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Do you sometimes think that some people seem to be “lucky” and work drops onto their plate? Do you wish that your phone would ring with new customers more often – as it seems like your friends phones do?

Well you can make your own luck. Simply be prepared and then make your own opportunities

Be prepared – by learning the right skills, and going to the right events to meet people. You cannot meet new customers while you are in your office – you have to be seen, and be out and about

Make your own opportunities – you may not realise it but your next best client might be standing just a few feet away from you in a supermarket, or a car park, or the pub – and while I do not suggest you actively canvass for business in a car park, a few words of greetings and if the opportunity presents itself, the four words, “what do you do” can sometimes lead to remarkable results.

Remember – Every crowd has a silver lining (P T Barnum)

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