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If you are approached by a salesperson who abounds in Personal Presence (not arrogance but authentic Presence) you will want to buy from them even if their process or tactics or strategy were a bit weak. That is because when we are in the role of buying, we buy people first. We buy into their Personal Presence. In other words, exercises to strengthen this area are the surest way to more revenue.

Sandler describes Personal Presence as a triangle: Energy bottom left, Communication bottom right and Character at the top. That all makes sense. But what is specifically meant by these three vertices of the triangle that itself stands at the apex of the Technique triangle?

Energy implies vitality, perseverance and passion. Communication to be effective needs thoughtful content, great delivery and superb feedback skills. Character depends on integrity, self-responsibility and charisma.

All these elements can be practiced and improved. They as much part of Technique as anything else that Sandler teaches through its reinforcement training. If you want to strengthen your Personal Presence, and win more revenue with less depending on chance, then read my series of blogs. Along the way I will provide you with a whole suite of practical exercises.

Personal Presence sits at the top of the Sandler Technique triangle. That is for a very good reason. Without Personal Presnce all our attempts at the techniques are not going to be as effective as they should. So what is "Personal Presence"?