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True story - one of my clients told me that every time she went near her phone to make a call, it changed from a tame domestic cat into a fearsome tiger. She broke into a sweat just thinking about making a call.

It’s not unusual – many people hate making phone calls to someone they don’t know – even as a referral from someone who has recommended they call.

Psychologically, there is a reason for this – it's the “chimp” inside us, we cannot control the situation, and one of three things happens, we fight, we flight, or we freeze. Logic often goes out the window!

So, how can we overcome this? Here are a few tips.

  • Change your outlook, so for example, instead of thinking, “I’m disturbing them, they won’t want to talk, it’s the wrong time,” change your thought patterns to, “my call could really help their business, our product is valued by our customers and could equally well be valued by them, yes, they may be busy, but I believe my product is worthy of a small interruption in their day”
  • Be different and be engaging – don’t try to sell. We all hate those calls where the sales person is forever trying to overcome every objection we raise. Be bright and cheerful, as communication is not just the words we use, but more importantly, the way we say them
  • Let them feel in control – with phrases like, “may I talk with you for a minute to tell you why I called, and then you can tell me if we should go any further?” Find out about them first, before going into details of what you have to offer

You have nothing to lose – and everything to gain. What is the worst that can happen – they say no. They probably will, but experience shows that there will be a yes, after you make maybe 5, 10, or 15 calls, so get the no’s as they will lead to the yes.

Tame the tiger!


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